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标题: 《伤寒论》书名的英译问题 [打印本页]

作者: 衡阳唐亚军    时间: 2021-10-18 11:28
标题: 《伤寒论》书名的英译问题
《伤寒论》是1800年前的中国古代医学书,作者是张仲景(150-219年)。SHANG HAN LUN is an ancient Chinesemedical book from 1800 Years ago, wrote by Zhang Zhongjing (150-219).
《伤寒论》是中国医学史上影响最大的古典医著之一。这本书,是中国古代医生对疾病规律的归纳总结和给予处方的实践医学,更是中国传统医生的重要基础理论。随着时间的推移,这部专著的科学价值日益突显。SHANG HAN LUN  is one of themost influential classical medical works in Chinese medical history. This bookis a practice medicine in which ancient Chinese doctors summed up the law ofdiseases and gave prescriptions, and it is also an important basic theory fortraditional Chinese doctors. As time goes by, the scientific value of thismonograph becomes more and more prominent.
《伤寒论》的中文版本,主要在亚洲邻国流传,对日本、据朝鲜、越南、印尼、新加坡、蒙古等国的医学都有不同程度的影响。The Chinese version of Treatise on Febrile Diseases (TREATIse onFebrile Diseases), circulated mainly in neighboring Asian countries, hasexerted varying degrees of influence on medicine in Japan, Korea, Vietnam,Indonesia, Singapore, Mongolia and other countries.
上世纪80年代以来,《伤寒论》的英译本陆续发行,对传播中医文化做出了贡献。Since the 1980s, English translations of treatise on FebrileDiseases have been published, contributing to the spread of Traditional Chinesemedicine culture.
目前《伤寒论》有7个版本的译作,有中国学者翻译的,也有外国学者翻译的。由于译者文化背景和对《伤寒论》的理解上存在差异,因此这些英译本也各有特色。At present, there are seven translations of Treatise on FebrileDiseases, some by Chinese scholars and some by foreign scholars. Due to thetranslator's different cultural background and understanding of treatise onFebrile Diseases, these English translations have their own characteristics.
就书名而言,现在各种翻译软件上多采用的“Treatise on Febrile Diseases”,意思是“发热病的论治”, As for the title of the book, “Treatise on Febrile Diseases”is widely used in various translation software.然而,这本书并不是仅仅针对“发热病”而展开讨论的。However, this book is not just about fever or Febrile Diseases.用“Discussion of Cold-Induced Disorders””可能更准确一些。“Discussion of Cold-Induced Disorders”” mightbe more accurate.
当然,为了尊重中医,便于相互交流和沟通,个人更倾向于用汉语拼音办法直译成“SHANG HAN LUN”,。Of course,in order to respect traditional Chinesemedicine and facilitate mutual exchange and communication, I prefer to useChinese pinyin method to transliterate it into“SHANG HAN LUN”.不仅于此,有关中医的主要名词或中药,都应该使用这种办法。Not only that, the main terms of Chinese medicine or Chinesemedicine should be used in this way.
撇开杂乱无章的条文影响,将 《伤寒论》的113处方分配给六类疾病,还原《伤寒论》本来的面貌,清楚了解仲景编著的真实意图,更好地理解和学习这本古代医学著作。 本人在  http://www.hhjfsl.com/bbs/thread-149787-1-1.html中持续有贴。Leaving aside the influence of the disorderly provisions, the 113prescriptions of Treatise on Februaries are assigned to six types of diseases,restoring the original appearance of Treatise on Februaries, clearlyunderstanding the true intention of Zhong Jing, and better understanding andlearning this ancient medical work. I continue to have posted inhttp://www.hhjfsl.com/bbs/thread-149787-1-1.html.

欢迎大家讨论。不理解的,可以看我的其他贴子。We welcome your discussion. If you don't understand, you can see myother posts.

作者: coorus    时间: 2021-10-18 11:43
把伤寒理解为“Febrile Diseases”(发热病)是非常正确的,想不到翻译软件竟然能搞对,书中所有提到“伤寒”二字的共同点正是“发热”。
作者: 梦回杏林    时间: 2021-10-18 16:23

作者: 衡阳唐亚军    时间: 2021-10-19 08:33
coorus 发表于 2021-10-18 11:43
把伤寒理解为“Febrile Diseases”(发热病)是非常正确的,想不到翻译软件竟然能搞对,书中所有提到“伤寒 ...

经过研究,张仲景发现六淫当中的“寒邪”最能完全展示人生病之后的完整过程。Through research,Zhang zhongjing found that the "Cold evil" in the "Liu-yin"  can fully show the whole process after people get sick.于是,他将这个研究记录了下来,并针对每个症状都设了方剂,并用来治疗疾病,这也就是《伤寒论》命名的由来。So he wrote the study down and created a prescription for each symptom and used it to treat the disease,That is why was named SHANG HAN LUN.《伤寒论》的“伤寒”二字,就是指受了身体受了寒之后的一系列后续症状。The word " SHANG HAN LUN " in refers “SHANG HAN”to the series of subsequent symptoms after the body gets cold evil (HAN).
作者: 衡阳唐亚军    时间: 2021-10-19 08:34
梦回杏林 发表于 2021-10-18 16:23

作者: coorus    时间: 2021-10-19 09:10
衡阳唐亚军 发表于 2021-10-19 08:34

作者: 心宁2019    时间: 2021-10-19 10:19

作者: coorus    时间: 2021-10-19 11:30
本帖最后由 coorus 于 2021-10-19 11:31 编辑
心宁2019 发表于 2021-10-19 10:19
名者,命也。所谓命名绝不是AB代号那么简单,所以胡先生说太阳等六病之名可以废之绝对是错误的,不但六病之 ...

作者: 梦回杏林    时间: 2021-10-19 12:08
衡阳唐亚军 发表于 2021-10-19 08:34


作者: 梦回杏林    时间: 2021-10-19 13:52




作者: q379555563    时间: 2022-3-24 06:56
coorus 发表于 2021-10-18 11:43
把伤寒理解为“Febrile Diseases”(发热病)是非常正确的,想不到翻译软件竟然能搞对,书中所有提到“伤寒 ...

太阳病 或已发热 或未发热 必恶寒 体痛 呕逆 脉阴阳俱紧者 名曰伤寒
作者: q379555563    时间: 2022-3-24 07:09
伤寒论全名《伤寒卒病论》。是医圣张仲景的著作。不妨以参考一下《医宗金鉴》•订正仲景全书 的命名方式翻译。翻译成《仲景医学全书》比较合理。中国人也能看明白外国人也能看明白。署名用最流行的几个国家语言来写。
作者: 衡阳唐亚军    时间: 2022-3-24 10:57
q379555563 发表于 2022-3-24 07:09
伤寒论全名《伤寒卒病论》。是医圣张仲景的著作。不妨以参考一下《医宗金鉴》•订正仲景全书 的命名方式翻 ...

作者: q379555563    时间: 2022-3-24 11:59
衡阳唐亚军 发表于 2022-3-24 10:57


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